What we do Country, Culture and Regions - China

Specialist areas
The expansion of China as a major force in the global economy means that few companies can not afford to have a China strategy.
Our multi-disciplinary team, mostly fluent in Chinese languages, can advise on project management, strategic development, complex negotiation at state and company level, also offering workshops covering subjects such as:
Chinese project management priorities
Shanghai skyline
Working in China - context, tradition, party and family connections - 'Guanxi' and organizational culture
Government, governance and the role of state-owned enterprises
From collective to individualist society
- undreamt of freedom, but …
The inseparability of business and social identity in China
Negotiating techniques - 'Tanpan'
Managing expectations
Communicating effectively with Chinese conterparts
Our team has expertise in a wide range of specific commercial sectors in China including infrastructure, energy, automobile manufacture, shipping, building projects, insurance, banking, telecoms and IT as well as education