What we do Business Culture and Communication

Cogs of Culture

You work with colleagues from different national, organizational or functional cultures and know this means different understandings and expectations
You have seen that cultural differences often lead to different attitudes, behaviours, assumptions and performance
Naturally you respect and make the most of cultural difference but you still need to get things done

Understanding cultural differences and having the skills to do so is vital but how can you achieve this?

We offer workshops which address these dilemmas
1 Business and cultural awareness
using our unique Cogs of Culture tool and ARGONAUT
- for cultural orientation
2 Communicating effectively across cultures
Skills to communicate and be understood around the world
3 Negotiating internationally
high energy workshops for outstanding results
4 Presenting to international audiences
understanding audiences, choosing techniques
5 Leading international teams
practical leadership skills ensuring your team performs
6 Remote, onsite and virtual teams
tools, methods, techniques, simulations to help meet team goals where working
in a multi-cultural setting
7 International Alliances